Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Government Intervention Essay

The purpose of this report is to exemplify the role of government with the focus on the developing countries by answering the proposed question of Why do we need government intervention? and Why government intervention is necessary for the new economy? The first part of this report illustrates the essential roles of government in social, business, and the future of country aspects. Then, Thailand was chosen as an example of a country entering into the new economy, while using the other countries in East Asia to illustrate the successful government action in transferring the countries to new economy. 1. To provide social welfare for the whole country Education Environment Health care Basic infrastructure Ideally, the government should bear the cost of high-risk or long-term payback project, or even the project that is difficult to finance as a trade-off for the national interest and benefit of its people and, in a way, attracting private sector to invest in the underdeveloped region later on. 2. To set up fair-games, fair competition, rules, laws and regulations, and trade agreements for business sector 3. To determine the future direction of the country Provide information and guidelines for firms to follow Develop strategy for the nation’s economic growth 1. Social contexts: 1.1. Environmental protection Waste management: company cannot hold the idea of â€Å"more production, more pollution† any longer as it creates externalities (social cost), which in turns will impose a negative impact on the company’s reputation. Government must enforce regulations, inspections, and control on environmental aspect. This is for the social interest so that the firms cannot take advantage from the society. Furthermore, by having regulations, not only the society will benefit from it; it also raises an issue of long-term sustainable development for the business sector to consider upon. Cons of free-enterprise Only aimed at generating profit and production, while disregarding the environment as it is considered an â€Å"unnecessary’ cost for the company. This in turn, the environment would be destroyed (e.g. Waste  from production, a vicious cycle, will hurt everyone if there are no regulations enforced.) Environmentalist vs. Government: for developing countries, the environmentalist plays a minor role in protecting the environment comparing to government intervention. Although the voices of environmentalist are significant when it comes to making changes, the government regulations are better suited in preventing and solving the problem on the national level. This is because the environmental problems have to be solved simultaneously, since the effects from decaying environment can create chain-reactions affecting the whole country or even the world (e.g. air pollution or destruction of rain forest). The environmentalist is important, as it is able to create awareness for the society, at the same time the government intervention is necessary in order to support healthier environment for its people. 1.2. Education Quality of the human resource is the driven force to push economic growth. Without basic education, it limits the opportunity for the entire nation to grow and foster new innovated ideas, while limiting the improvement in quality of life among population. 1.3. Health care The basic need for life. There shouldn’t be perceived as privilege for someone to obtain. Recent development on Thailand’s health care: Ministry of Public Health’s campaign on the â€Å"30 Baht-Health for All† demonstrating that equal access to health care is important for the growth of recovering economy. 1.4. Infrastructure For a nation to propel into the future, decentralization of development to regional and local levels rather than concentrated on specific metropolitan areas is significant, as it needs involvement from everyone. 2. Business contexts: 2.1. Laws and Regulations (Thailand) Trade Competition Act (1999): This is to eliminate unfair trade practices, monopolization, and business collusion. If there were no regulation, monopoly can drive up prices or limits supplies while the consumers would have to bear the costs  as well as limiting the sense of entrepreneurship. Bankruptcy Act (1999): From the result of the Asian crisis, the past bankruptcy law in Thailand was not efficient enough causing the failure in the loaning agreement, lowering the foreign investor’s confidence. By amending the old 1940 Bankruptcy Act in 1998 and 1999, the new amendment provides a foundation for both creditor and debtor to work cooperatively and be more transparent in order to create a win-win situation, especially for the recovering companies as well as preventing future non-performing loans (NPL) for the creditors. SMEs Promotion Act (2000): Thai government encourages support for this new legislation by creating a Market for Alternative Investment (MAI) designed to introduce fresh investment opportunities. The Minister for Finance emphasizes the significant role that MAI would play in supporting and strengthening SMEs in Thailand. 2.2. Trade agreement The role of trade agreement is to encourage, assist, and advocate the export sector and to ensure that domestic business would have equal access to compete in foreign markets. In addition, the trade agreement can enforce antidumping and countervailing duty laws providing remedies for unfair trade practices. Moreover, the trade agreement can promote cooperation among member countries in order to avoid fierce competition (e.g. Asian Summit Conference, G7 Conference) World Trade Organization (WTO): Before a country decides to join the WTO, its government must prepare the readiness of the country whether it is law and regulation aspects or its infrastructure. This is to protect the domestic market and businesses from being exploited by foreign firms. Thailand vs. China on WTO issue: Thailand officially entered into the WTO in 1995 when its laws and regulations on globalization issues were not fully developed. As a result, Thailand inevitably had to endure the consequence of globalization. Compared to China, who does not fashionably join the WTO as the other neighboring countries did, China waited and now is able to  negotiate other privileges on bilateral agreement with foreign investors. 3. Future direction determination: 3.1. To provide information and guidelines for firms to follow. To be competitive in international level, the government must provide information for the public in order to assist the business sector to establish suitable strategic and decision plans for their businesses accordingly. DEP (Department of Export Promotion) † to assist in matching local manufacturers with overseas buyers or vice-versa by providing quick and cost-effective access to local products through substantial information and oversea organizational facilities. BOI (Board of Investment) † to assist investors by providing support services in order to reduce risk and cost that associate with investments. 3.2. Develop strategy for future economic growth: SMEs (Small-Medium Enterprises): encouraging entrepreneurship through promoting business start-up spreading and stimulating more nationwide microeconomic growth. o Stimulation on more sense of ownership among the population enabling the spread in development. Because in the past, with lesser government intervention, growth and income were concentrated mainly in heavy industry or big business rather than being distributed more evenly among the people. o Satisfaction of local need through the intellectual local-knowledge based transferring into productivity in community level. Microlending † being implemented in the Philippines and Thailand to help poor people gain access to credit so that they can finance or start up their own businesses. As a result, there would be a decrease in poverty as well as an increase entrepreneurship / small businesses. IT: NECTEC (National Electronics and Computer Technology Center) is Thailand’s main driven force for IT development. NECTEC established new strategic master plan on Electronic, Computer, Telecommunication and Information (ECTI) Technologies for year 2000-2004.   This is because as the world is dominated by global businesses and industries, information and communication technologies play a tremendous role in the issues for long-term recovery and sustainability † Thailand needs to transform itself from the old economy to the â€Å"New Economy† in order to remain competitive. IT will gradually replace the old traditional business transaction by offering real time information, reduction in transaction cost and time, opening the market to many more suppliers and buyers, and no need for physical presence; which consequently more productivity would be generated. 1. Infrastructure: Revamped of telecommunication monopoly by encouraging investments from private sectors. The Telephone Organization of Thailand (TOT) granted telephone-wiring licenses to TA and TT&T and granted wireless phones licenses to AIS and PCT, while the Communication Authority of Thailand (CAT) authorized DTAC to operate in mobile phone industry. The government granted private sectors to take on the telephone-wiring project because of the urgency of the IT infrastructure expansion (from 800,000 users in 1999 to more than 1,000,000 users in 2000) in a sense that the private sectors are able to install the lines faster than the government sector in certain areas. Installation of fiber optic infrastructure throughout Bangkok and Thailand. Increase the telephone availability from 13 lines per 100 populations to 18 lines per 100 populations. Nation wide local call ISP access Possibility of free internet in the future Lowering cost of PC More mobile phone usage with cheaper rate 2. IT Education: Increase the number of schools connected to free internet from  1,500 schools to targeted 5,000 schools. Better focus on the optimization of the computer usage in schools, not just computer availability. Teacher’s IT training, NECTEC provided pilot courses and teaching materials for Rajabhat Institute, which in turn will teach and prepare the future schoolteachers for the SchoolNet project. 3. Laws and Regulations Electronic Transactions Bills and the Electronic Signature Bills were approved by the cabinet on March 14, 2000. Electronic Transactions Act defines the legal status of electronic records as being equal to paper documents, if they are properly handled. The Act also defines the scope of legal recognition of transmission and reception processes for electric data records, time and place of occurrences of such transmission. Electronic Signature Act defines the electronic equivalence of signature as a proof to identity of the signing party (i.e. authentication) and that the signer approves the content that is being signed. The law is neutral to the choice of technology used for electronic signature. It recognizes the well-established trusted third-party system of Certification Authority (CA) and public-key infrastructure (PKI) based on encryption technology. Intellectual Property Laws: Thai government recognizes that an effective intellectual and industrial property system is vital to the development of new economy especially on the innovations and technology transfer aspects. Thus, to encourage such originalities, the government has established laws and regulations to protect and secure the exclusive rights of scientists, inventors, artists and other gifted citizens to their intellectual property and creations, particularly when beneficial to people and its nation. When the IP laws are being violated, the offender will be inflicted with fine or imprisonment or both. Currently, there are three major IP laws in Thailand: Trademark Act (2nd revision in 2000) Patent Act (3rd revision in 1999)  Copyright Act (amended in 1994) Other drafts in the pipeline are the Computer Crime Act, the Electronic Funds Transfer Act, and the Data Protection Act. 4. Electronic Commerce The Electronic Commerce Resource Center was set up by the cabinet resolution in December 1998 as a unit within NECTEC where drafting of the Electronic Commerce Policy Framework is being planned. E-commerce infrastructure project has been carried out by NECTEC’s sister organization † Internet Thailand Company, which started a neutral yet highly diverse portal site called THAI-DOT-COM ( with free commerce hosting provision to all business partners (merchants, banks, and application service providers). 5. Software Park Software Park is the first and unique infrastructure Thailand ever built for this new software industry. Local software developers in Thailand can enjoy professional support for international marketing. It also provides a one-stop meeting point for potential customers both locally and from abroad as well as providing high-speed networking. In addition, world-leading companies like Intel, Informix, IBM, etc. have invested in R&D infrastructure for local software companies to use at very low cost. 6. BOI incentive on IT related industry Electronic Industry: This is to promote specific industry in order to respond to the development in the New Economy. Thai government offered tax-based incentives to stimulate such investment, such as Corporate income tax exemption for 8 years, regardless of location. Exemption on import duty on machinery relevant to production process. Additional privileges according to zone†further tax and duty reduction as well as allowances for infrastructure investment. Singapore o Well-connected IT infrastructure facilities such as the science-park (ranging from biotechnology to robot researches) and information superhighway which enable Singapore to become IT hub for exportable services, for instance†consulting or engineering advises, in East Asia. o Focusing on R&D, the fastest growing activities in Singapore, since Singapore has competitive advantages on superior infrastructure and manpower capabilities to explore this possibility. o Implementation of â€Å"E-Government Services† † people saved time through complete government-related transactions (e.g. tax, registration and licensing fees). As a result, this action has saved cost for government on transaction filings, while saving cost and time for the business sector. Malaysia o Due to the aspiration of becoming a fully developed country by 2020, the Malaysian government has developed a path that has been strategically mapped out to ensure that the objectives of 2020 visions are achievable. o With the focus on welcoming the information technology age phenomenon, the government has created the â€Å"Multimedia Super Corridor’ (MSC) in which is a world-first, world class place to help companies of the world test the limits of technology and prepare themselves for the future. o Creation of the perfect global multimedia climate. Cyberjaya: a conceptualized model intelligent city with multimedia industries, R&D centers, a Multimedia University and operational headquarters for multinational firms wishing to direct their worldwide manufacturing and trading activities using multimedia technology. Putrajaya: a concept of electronic government and administration will be implemented. These two cities are the nucleus of Malaysia strategic vision for the new economy. No one knows whether it would turn out as successful as the Malaysian government has envisioned or not, but at least its government has took a tremendous step by investing into a project that certainly the whole country will realize the impact of new economy and information technology and, hopefully, benefit from it. Transforming Thailand to â€Å"New Economy† needs a very strong foundation and cooperation in every level starting from redesigning infrastructure, IT education, HR development, and IT laws and regulations. These four factors needed to be organized by the government, not only because the whole country needs to be involved in this transforming stage, but the government needs to also provide assurance for the business sector on security issues as well as providing a sense of borderless marketing condition for the company to excel in the global competition. In addition, the government involvement is very crucial; this is to prevent the concentration of IT development in certain sectors or business fields as if would have done by the private sector. And ensuring that the country would explore into the New Economy era together, and that there should be no discrimination in IT development in which, as a result, the country and everyone involved will mutually benefit from this New Economy endeavor.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Accounting Theory And History Accounting Essay

Accounting has evolved since it was foremost developed and has continued to germinate. The purpose of this essay is to research and discourse why accounting, both fiscal and direction has changed over the last millenary. In order to accomplish this purpose an in-depth attack will be taken into the beginnings of accounting, its intent and demand. This will intend analyzing history documents which are evidence-based but are intertwined with value opinion. Many alternate theoretical and practical accounts are offered in literature for the development of accounting over clip. These class literatures will be evaluated and there theories will later be accepted or rejected. In order to research the inquiry and because the definitions provided by accounting organic structures are themselves are capable to alter, it is important to first define accounting and its intent. The intent of accounting is to supply information based on relevant informations that aids users in doing economic determinations. Fiscal accounting is designed chiefly to bring forth fiscal studies which provide information sing the house ‘s public presentation to external users such as Tax governments, Investors, Customers and Creditors. Financial Accounting is extremely regulated in order to guarantee they have certain features. These features enhance the utility of the fiscal studies to users. These features are relevancy, comparison, seasonableness, equity and objectiveness. Management accounting is used to fix histories and studies that provide accurate and up to day of the month information that allows direction to do determinations. Accounting developed as people needed a method of entering their assets and belongings. If belongings was recorded and accounted for, it would be easy to turn out legal ownership. Accountancy has been around for 1000s of old ages. Professor L. Plunkett of the College of Charleston calls accounting the â€Å" oldest profession † In this millenary at that place have been infinite alterations and developments in accounting. From more crude methods of simple accounting for belongings and assets, in order to enter for grounds of legal ownership to a complex regulated signifier. Management Accounting â€Å" British Entrepreneurs and Pre-Industrial Revolution Evidence of Cost Management † a paper by Richard K. Fleischman and Lee D. Parker examines the usage and developments of cost accounting in 1760 to 1850. The four chief countries looked at in cost direction will be: cost control techniques, accounting for overhead, bing for modus operandi and particular determination devising, and standard costing. These houses used cost informations to command natural stuff input stuffs. The Fe houses broke down costs utilizing natural stuff controls, whilst taking into history the differential costs of excavation and smelting. Textile houses were concerned about the profitable natural mixtures and the cost of natural stuffs input. Marshall fabric house employ the practise of utilizing public presentation cards, which is an effectual method and is still used by houses today. Performance cards are used daily to supervise and command expenses.. These direction accounting practises benefited the concern greatly. It allowed marshal to be cost effectual and efficient by understating costs. Gregs was another fabric house which kept pay and disbursal books to cipher control costs. This helps to place tendencies, failings and countries for betterment. For illustration they experienced losingss in 1829 and where able to place and impute these to heightened production costs and out-of-date machinery. The fabric and Fe houses were in a extremely competitory market, and so dependent on a market-driven pricing construction. This bit by bit changed as with houses utilizing merchandise bing to assistance in finding the optimal degree of end product. Boulton & A ; Watt and Wedgewood were able to cipher operating expenses such as mill costs, fixed costs and selling disbursal. This enabled them to factor these costs into their merchandising monetary values. â€Å" Industrial Revolution entrepreneurs employed cost analysis to back up perpendicular integrating and merchandise line determinations † ( Fleischman 1990, P367 ) Decisions such as capital equipment purchases and mineral field rentals where taken after careful consideration of costing of options. This enabled them to warrant and do potentially better determinations as the quality of information on which to establish the determination on was better. â€Å" The usage of standard costing was associated with an consciousness of the cost salvaging available from appropriate stock list control processs. † ( Richard K. Fleischman et la 1990 ) Standard bing saved the clip of really holding to roll up existent stock list costs. This is good for houses as they can make standard costs, which allow the concern to: place and extinguish disused points, budget and comparison with existent costs, gauge a monetary value more easy than ciphering a monetary value based on existent cost, create prognosiss for production. An Archivist responds to the New Accounting History: The Case of the U.S. Men ‘s Clothing Industry is a paper by Thomas Tyson that uses factual grounds on the history of accounting to analyze the alterations. It focuses chiefly on the work forces ‘s vesture industry. Miller and O'Leary ( 1987 ) implied that â€Å" the rule of criterion costs made it possible to attach to every person within the house norms and criterions of behaviouraˆÂ ¦ Standard costing and budgeting made possible a pinpointing of duty for preventable inefficiencies at the degree of the really single from whom they derived † this is true to an extent and can be seen in the British Railways Industry ‘s costing system. BRM failed to budget or utilize standard bing boulder clay they were forced to make so as a consequence of worsening net incomes. This fail mean preventable inefficiencies were non prevented. Hopper and Armstrong province the ground for these alterations to direction accounting being due to the direct consequence of houses fighting. â€Å" Accounting controls were non a effect of economic or technological jussive moods, but instead were rooted in battles as houses attempted to command labour procedures in assorted eras of capitalistic development. † ( H & A ; A 1991, P. 405 ) Along with alterations in accounting, there came alterations in inventions in direction. â€Å" Scientific direction sought to set up itself a right to interfere in people ‘s lives. This right was finally to be taken over by an ground forces of techniques of societal and economic life of the enterpriseaˆÂ ¦ the undertaking of scientific direction helped to render evident and remediable the waste lying deep within the every move of the worker. † ( Tyson. T, an archivists response to new accounting history ) it is by and large considered that Tysons paper is flawed. Cost accounting in the ship building, technology and metals industries of the West of Scotland, â€Å" The Workshops of the Empire † , C1900-1960 is a paper by A.I.M. Fleming, S. Mckinstry and K. Wallace. The paper examines the nature and developments of bing systems employed in the ship building, technology and metals industries of the West of Scotland between the old ages c1900-1960. These developments can be seen as a patterned advance from the cost direction practises employed in fabric and Fe plants examined in the old paper, adapted to different industries. There were developments necessitated by the fact that most work was contract-based or occupation based and so required a different method of cost accounting. Standard costing and budgetary control were rejected as a consequence of agnosticism over the relevancy of Taylorism and scientific direction to the country ‘s industries. As many of the occupations and contracts were alone, this may non hold been a bad thing. The ship edifice industry split the ships costs into three chief constituents, Hull, Boilers and Engine. Each had a separate cost-book which recorded direct rewards and stuffs. This system allowed a comparing between the estimated direct costs and existent direct costs. A elaborate pay analysis book was kept, dividing pay cost for the three chief constituents ( hull, engine and boiler ) . The pay measure for each constituent was besides split into separate classs e.g. direct workers, category of workingman, patch work-based etc. This allowed them to maximize efficiency in footings of labor costs as staff and stuffs were already supervised. This besides reduced the hazard of larceny. â€Å" There hence existed a system that enabled the trailing of costs versus estimation at premier cost degree on a progressive footing as contracts proceeded. † ( K.Wallace & A ; Parker 2000, P363 ) The British Railway Industry tended to sell in fixed monetary value contracts. The Cost and Weight Book recorded the cost associated with each of the major constituent of the locomotor e.g. Boiler, firebox etc. This book had a rigorous templet each major constituent was printed on the left and separate costs where printed at the top. This format allowed comparing between different contract cost and comprehensibility. It besides allowed for good appraisal for future contract costs. This format has changed little in modern direction accounting. A failure of the company was to non to the full use this valuable information as they did non utilize budgeting, standard costing or fringy costing. â€Å" Costss were non analysed by section or plants. † ( K.wallace and Parker 2000 ) Not until the house began to worsen in 1960 did they present a signifier of â€Å" simple † budgeting. This failure to budget was a failing that was finally addressed but cost the house potency cost s alvaging efficiencies. â€Å" The Industrial Revolution versus the Managerial Revolution: Distinguishing Difference in Accounting Practices † a paper by Keith Hoskin and Richard Macve discusses the function of accounting as a manufacturer of Modern Managerialism. â€Å" The accounting practises of authorship, analyzing and rating came to construction human activity for those who learned to larn under them, it is apprehensible how accounting could detect a new function in the concern context. † ( Hoskin & A ; Macve, 1993, p 9 ) This statement indicates an evolving function of accounting in concern and act uponing the structuring of human activity. This theory was seen being employed at Springfield Armoury. The armory generated a big measures of accounting information â€Å" costs were tracked, records of production were kept, full-cost estimations made for pricing determinations, including the application of charges for involvement and depreciation. † ( Hoskin & A ; Macve, 1993, p 9 ) T his was done in order to organize a â€Å" complete system of answerability. † This was an of import measure along with the debut of charges for involvement and depreciation. This paper relates to economic rational theory which can be used to explicate the developments in direction accounting. Peoples make picks based on their â€Å" rational mentality, available information and yesteryear experiences. † ( Investopedia online, hypertext transfer protocol: // # axzz1g2suXeki ) As the consequence of extremely competitory markets and lifting labor costs reduced net incomes, houses developed cost direction techniques, such as: cost control to command and interrupt down the cost of single stuffs used, accounting for operating expenses which allows houses to factor costs such as fixed and mill costs into the merchandising monetary value and criterion costing which allows budgeting and comparing with existent costs. An illustration of economic rational theory is the British Locomotive Company who learned from past experiences of losing cost salvaging for non utilizing budgeting, standard costing or fringy costing and as a consequence they introduce a signifier of â€Å" simple † budgeting. Economic rational besides drove the alterations in cloistered houses. Changes were introduced after rational mentality, failings and past weaknesss were identified were taken into history. Albion Motors and Monastic houses and Estates have besides made alterations based on their economic rational. These alterations represent the development of direction accounting over the last millenary. In the paper â€Å" The Industrial Revolution versus the Managerial Revolution † we see important alterations to direction accounting because of a demand to command labor and maximize labour efficiency. This is because of the abolishment of bondage which means that employees must be paid. This means employees must maximize labour effectivity and efficiency. This led to the managerial revolution. Springfield armory used labour control to increase productiveness and cut down costs. We see a development in cost direction practises in the in â€Å" British Entrepreneurs and Pre-Industrial Revolution Evidence of Cost Management † paper. Fleischman states the drawn-out period of diminution of market monetary values that affected the Fe industry houses from 1808 to 1830. â€Å" The battle to get by with falling market monetary values caused houses in the industry to set about careful probes of their iron-making costs † ( K.wallace and Parker 2000, P368 ) The diminution motivated these developments in cost direction. They were brought approximately by a demand to accommodate to other alterations in the market and economic system at the clip. The practises in usage at the clip were unequal and out-dated. The developments allowed them to break identify failings, which had the consequence of increasing production, efficiency, diminishing waste and assisting put a better merchandising monetary value. In Cost accounting in the ship building, technology and metals industries of the West of Scotland, â€Å" the Workshops of the Empire † , C1900-1960 we see farther development of cost direction system. The ground for these specific developments was that ship building and railroad occupations where contract based and so it would non be ideal to utilize standard costing. It was necessary to utilize another method of cost accounting. Fiscal Accounting The first paper that will be discussed is â€Å" The development of fiscal direction and control in cloistered houses and estates in England c.1200-1540 † by Alisdair Dobie. The alterations focus chiefly on the internal map of a monastery. These alterations are necessitated by â€Å" altering influences and force per unit areas, economic and spiritual which arose from 1200 onwards. † ( Dobie, 2008 P.2 ) Cloistered houses where non all the same, there were different orders. Each was governed by different sets of regulations. New orders were formed when there were perceived failings in established orders. These new orders introduced extra sets of regulations. â€Å" Each Benedictine house was to a big extent independent and responsible for its ain personal businesss. â€Å" ( Dobie 2008, P3 ) . This statement indicates a grade of answerability within the houses. As a consequence of weaknesss due to Benedictine self-regulation, new orders emerged which lead to each house organizing a subordinate portion of the whole order. This meant that each separate house was capable to review, ordinance and control from the order as a whole. These reviews were a signifier of audit from the order on the house. â€Å" Changes in direction might change from order to order and house to house, depending upon single state of affairss, relevancy and demands. † ( Dobie, 2008 P2 ) Changes were intr oduced after failings were identified, in order to go on betterment and convey together all houses from the same orders to utilizing the same set of regulations. Fiscal direction and control alterations can be broken down into three classs: the safeguarding of the assets of the house ; the development of its resources ; and, the attempts to guarantee that all resources were used efficaciously and expeditiously. Safeguarding the assets of the house meant physically procuring and keeping them against for illustration â€Å" invasion, decline or disaffection. † ( Dobie, 2008 P4 ) Exploitation of resources meant doing full usage of land and estate. This was a response to neglecting grain monetary values and lifting labor costs. Efficiency and effectivity referred to the â€Å" efficiency and effectual usage of resources by the house. † Other major developments during this clip were the standardization of histories which allowed comparison and relevancy, accounting was besides taught at university from the 14th century onwards. A important development in the early millenary is seen in Renaissance Italy. There was a rise in trade and banking. A signifier of double-entry book maintaining was already being used by Bankss to maintain path of debitors and creditors. Luca Pacioli, the Perfect Accountant is a paper by Dr F G Volmer, University of Limburg, which discusses the life and plants of Luca Pacioli. Pacioli ‘s work has had a great influence on accounting. His publication â€Å" Summa De Arithmetica † was widely recognised as a elephantine leap forward for double-entry book maintaining. Pacioli ‘s Summa was a conceptual model of best accounting and concern patterns. Summa was written in Tuscan and Venetian idioms. Pacioli used these alternatively of Latin to let the educated and non-educated to profit every bit from his work. Pacioli ‘s conceptual model is really similar to the FASB ‘s 1976 conceptual model. † the rules of systematicalness, consistence and dependability so emerge. â€Å" Every point must be consistently and carefully recorded in the stock list with all countermarks, full names and in every bit much item an as possibleaˆÂ ¦ † ( Volmer P7 ) 200 old ages before Pacioli Italians bargainers began utilizing Arabic numbers in order to maintain path of net incomes alternatively of Roman numbers. This was an of import alteration. Arabic numbers were easier to understand and easier to utilize in an accounting format. This alteration is a measure in the way of modern twenty-four hours direction accounting where English Numberss which are similar to Arabic numbers are used for clerking. Rouse and Rouse sum up Pacioli ‘s inventions under different headers: The usage of alphabetical order â€Å" as a agency of set uping words and thoughts † This development of a new visually orientated layout created an easy to utilize and understand templet for dual entry. â€Å" Pacioli ‘s fully-developed double-entry system, with bi-lateral layout and systematic cross-referencing of debit and recognition, was a peculiar signifier of the new general textuality. † This bi-lateral layout of the double-entry system is still in usage to this twenty-four hours. It allows cross-referencing of credits and debits which is peculiarly utile for to Bankss. This partly answers the chief inquiry as to why direction accounting has changed over the last millenary. Pacioli ‘s influential work resulted in necessary positive alterations in accounting. He introduced three books of record: the leger, the memoranda and the diary. These needed debit and recognition minutes s to be balance. Books that did non equilibrate normally indicated an mistake. Dowlais Iron Company: Accounting Policies and Procedures for Profit Measurement and Reporting Purposes by J. R. Edwards and C. Baber is a paper that shows development in both fiscal and direction accounting. DIC implemented a robust system of direction accounting. Book-keepers were employed by DIC to keep the books of accounting on a rigorous dual entry footing ( a double-entry system developed by Luca Pacioli ) . This was a household concern, but the concern was treated as a separate legal entity. This is common in modern concerns as it allows limited liability for the proprietors. This can besides be seen when personal non-business minutess undertaken by proprietors were decently accounted for through the relevant spouse ‘s current history. DIC adhered to three out of the four chief cardinal constructs of accounting when fixing fiscal statement. These were prudence, traveling concern and consistence. Less accent was placed on the usage of the accumulations concept, â€Å" particularly in its application to the intervention of capital outgo † ( Edwards and Baber 1979 P142 ) This is non unusual for concerns in the 1800s and was chiefly due to a perceived struggle between the accumulations and prudence constructs, with the prudence construct being considered more good. This contrasts with a more balanced usage of both constructs presently used today. The usage of these constructs shows a development of fiscal accounting within the administration. DIC ‘s system of capital accounting is said to hold helped the house successfully turn to an huge size. This was funded through internal finance. The trust on internal finance led to jobs during the 1850s. A sequence of trading losingss drained the modesty financess. This led to DIC reorganizing the Works and turn to external finance. Net income returned to acceptable degrees in the mid-1860s We see in the private legers that there were drumhead balance sheets till 1861 this suggested that there was information that the direction was trying to conceal. From 1861 onwards the company comptroller adopted the policy of adding the relevant narrative explicating each sum. This policy is still in usage today and shows further development in fiscal accounting at the clip. Companies summarise and unwrap important and relevant information associating to the figures in histories in the notes. This would hold been done to heighten the understandibility, leting for sums to be broken up and examined. The fiscal coverage practises of British municipal corporations 1835-1933: a survey in accounting invention by Hugh M Coombs and John Richard Edwards is a paper in which we see the authorities carry throughing the function of a regulative organic structure. Developments were chiefly in response to â€Å" turning cardinal authorities concern with corruptness, misdirection and deficiency of answerability. † ( Combes & A ; Edwards, 1995 P2 ) This in short led to the debut of the Municipal Corporations Act 1835. This act attempted to guarantee proper ordinance of municipal corporations. â€Å" The borough hoarded wealths was obliged to: do â€Å" true histories † of all minutess, make books available for review by the council members, to fix an history for the council as and when required, to subject histories to hearers elected by the ratepayers, to subscribe and do to be printed a full abstract of his histories ‘ , and to do the histories available for review by ra tepayers. † ( H. M. Combes et La, 1995 ) This shows a fastening up of ordinance and an addition in answerability. It is a important development in fiscal accounting. During this clip we besides see a move off from hard currency accounting to accumulations. The accumulations construct had antecedently been viewed with agnosticism as seen in Dowlais Iron Company as it conflicted with the prudence construct. Cash-based accounting was at times restrictive and its disadvantages far out manner its advantages. Accumulations based accounting on the other manus: â€Å" protects against carelessness and abnormality by entering every measure of a dealing, enables the statement of an entity ‘s net income and loss and fiscal place ; it records values ; and it provides a stable and homogeneous footing for statistics. † ( Combes & A ; Edwards, 1995 P2 ) The 2nd development during this clip was the usage of the dual accounting system of fiscal coverage. â€Å" This system is able to unite the properties of charge/discharge accounting with commercial accounting. † ( Combes & A ; Edwards, 1995 P3 ) It is a combination of stewardship orientation and net income computation orientation. The advantage of this system is that it would forestall anyone from being misled into presuming a connexion between outgo looking debited in the capital history and the existent value of plants associated with that outgo In the paper â€Å" Engineering civilization and accounting development at Albion Motors 1900- c.1970 † by Sam McKinstry we see the relationship between Albion Motor ‘s accounting systems and its engineering-orientated civilization. This paper shows alterations in both fiscal and direction accounting. Albion motors used a well-developed dual entry system, a system no uncertainty derived from the work of Pacioli. Depreciation was besides charged on machinery, by measuring at that place utile life. Depreciation ranged from between 10 % and 33.3 % . Albion motors besides used one of the first houses to utilize full accumulations accounting, which is a clear alteration as houses had antecedently preferred to us prudence. Full histories were merely produced every fiscal twelvemonth, as was a full stock-taking. A works registry was kept and maintained by the technology section. This allowed for answerability and reduced the opportunities of fraud in the terminals. Albion motors employed a extremely skilled but unqualified a company secretary and teller, although this was non uncommon at the clip when they became a public company they employed a hired comptroller. This is a important development as the qualified comptrollers ‘ engagement reinforces the respectability of the company ‘s fiscal histories. It is now indispensable for the public company accounts to be produced by person who is qualified to make so, as non to make so would take investors to oppugn their truth. The non-qualified employee responsible for all accounting from 1914 until 1950 was succeeded by a hired comptroller. This emphasizes the repute and influence of the profession of accounting. It is about 1950s that there is seen the outgrowth of the fiscal comptroller. The demand of the users of fiscal information is altering, the outgrowth of this new official function show that clearly. Investors ‘ assurance in fiscal studies is dependent on fiscal informatio n holding features which are discussed in IAS 1. Fiscal information must be relevant, up to day of the month, dependable and free from prejudice. The fiscal comptroller is qualified to bring forth fiscal information that abides by these standards. â€Å" Christie Malry ‘s ain dual entry † by B.S. Johnson: An reading as foucauldian disclosures a paper by Sam McKinstry that examines the work of the novelist B.S. Johnson. This paper discusses the thought that accounting can be used to convey certain information to certain people. In this instance the issue that the Double-entry system merely â€Å" favors specific involvements in society and disadvantages others. † ( McKinstry 2006 P990 ) This straight disagrees with public involvement theory which states that â€Å" ordinance is ab initio put in topographic point to profit society as a whole. † ( C. Deegan & A ; J Unerman 2006, P 65 ) This paper besides takes into history and makes mention to the work of Luca Pacioli in dual entry clerking. Malry adapts the dual entry system, change overing state of affairss in his life into pecuniary values and inputting these values as either debits or credits. This version was peculiarly of import in the context of British political relations and Industrial dealingss at the clip. â€Å" these and other developments recharged and remorilised capitalist economy and retooled societal democratise political orientation and its political relations. † ( McIlorys and Campbells 1999, P 93 ) . Jointly these developments in fiscal accounting over the last millenary have resulted in fiscal accounting as we know it today. These alterations where brought approximately by a alteration in the demands of users of fiscal information and the identifying of failings. We see many alterations in the fiscal direction of cloistered houses and estates at the start of the millenary. â€Å" The early Time period of rapid growing in footings of new foundations was over, and the ulterior Middle-ages witnessed the response of administrations in their age of adulthood endeavoring to keep their intent and place. â€Å" ( Dobie, 2008, P 3 ) Monasteries changed in order to accommodate and last the economic and faiths force per unit areas. These changed allowed them to keep their places survive the times. We see the debut of an audit map and the changing of ordinance to cover with the designation of failing. Other factors such as the Black Death epidemic which impacted on the economic system every bit good as the population influenced developments at the clip. Luca Pacioli developed the double-entry system used at the clip by bargainers after placing room for betterment this system is similar to the 1 used today. He besides developed a conceptual model of accounting best practises. Its influence can clearly be seen in today ‘s IASB and FASB conceptual models. In Dowlais Iron Company we see the implementing of a sophisticated fiscal coverage and direction accounting system which complimented the fiscal accounting system. These systems allowed them to the size and success that they did. â€Å" it is improbable that any house would hold grown to the size and achieved the significance of DIC in the absence of a satisfactory system for entering both influxs and escapes of hard currency and other plus and motion of resources within the house † ( Edwards and Baber 1979 P139 ) The Financial coverage practises of British municipal corporations in 1835-1933 show developments in the ordinance, revelation and controls in order to cover with corruptness, misdirection and deficiency of answerability in municipal corporations. Political factors triggered by the two major wars impacted on both fiscal and direction accounting. This can be seen in â€Å" Engineering civilization and accounting development at Albion motors † a paper by Sam Mckinstry. World War 2 led to the debut of a War pension strategy, which is accounted for utilizing IAS 19. We besides see in 1950 the development of the function of the fiscal comptroller. The function of the fiscal comptroller is created chiefly to supply credibleness and reassurance to fiscal histories. The fiscal accounting is qualified to bring forth histories in conformity with ordinances, to give a true and just position of the house ‘s fundss in order to keep investor assurance. This is a part factor in accounting being the reputable profession it is today. This is unfastened to debate as it can be argued that this lone gives the semblance of respectability. As seen in the prostration of Enron the fiscal studies approved by the fiscal comptrollers did n' t give a true and just position of the administration. Possible theories into grounds for these alterations are given in the demand for and supply of Accounting Theories: The Market for Excuses a paper by Ross L. Watts and Jerold L. Zimmerman. The paper discusses the inquiry of why accounting theories are preponderantly normative and why no general theory is by and large accepted. â€Å" It is by and large concluded that accounting theory has had small substantial, direct impact on accounting practise or policy formation despite half a century of research † ( R. L. Watts 1979, P 1 ) the theory of political procedure is one theorises the thought that persons with power in authorities will try to derive wealth through the influence and prescribe accounting processs that are in their ain best involvements. There is besides the thought that as persons have different involvements there will be a figure of different accounting theories on a individual issue. This â€Å" prevents general understanding on accounting history. † ( R. L. Watts 1979, P 273 ) This theory can be proven by looking at the recent dirt affecting MP ‘s disbursals. MPs influenced the ordinances on disbursals in their ain favor, in an effort to derive wealth. There was besides the issue that these single disbursal claims were non made public but were leaked. This shows that revelation demands were unequal, as a consequence of the designation of this failing ordinances have been tightened up. Another illustration of this is Ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair holding tax-payers wage for his security when he travels the universes for his ain fiscal additions. Blair ‘s constitutional reform of the Human Rights Act 1998 when he was in power gives him this right. â€Å" The demand for â€Å" public interest-orientated accounting theories depends on the extent of the authorities ‘s function in the economic system. † ( R. L. Watts 1979, P 275 ) a clear illustration of this is the adjusting of involvement rates in order to assist economic growing. Another illustration of this is the fiscal coverage practises of British municipal corporations 1835-1933, where there was corruptness, misdirection and deficiency of answerability. The authorities gave the semblance of moving in the public involvement but from farther analysis it can be seen that this statute law was a response to public protest. We can see that there was a grade of opportunism involved. The motive for all the developments of in fiscal accounting can be examined utilizing Self-interest theory. In the narrative of Christie Malry the author kills himself because of a deficiency of acknowledgment of his work. Another illustration of this is Luca Pacioli work which benefited accounting greatly. His motive for this work was to have acknowledgment. An statement for Pacioli utilizing the Tuscan and Venetian linguistic communications in his book was that this would take to more acknowledgment for his work as more people could understand it, this is self-interest. This can besides be seen in the accounting organic structures who work to stay reputable and influential. For illustration the ACCA and CIMA offer their ain peculiar makings in accounting. Why is at that place a demand for these makings when there have been comptrollers around for 100s of old ages without these makings? These administrations work to advance their ain importance and respectability and as a consequence the makings add importance and respectability to persons that gain them. Influencing the development of accounting ordinance examined through gaining control theory. This is where the regulated seeks to â€Å" gaining control † the regulative organic structure, therefore act uponing the ordinances to their ain advantage. This poses a menace to the independency of the regulator. Capture theory links in with the demand for accounting theories â€Å" the lone accounting theory that will supply a set of anticipations that are consistent with ascertained phenomena is one based on opportunism † ( W & A ; Z 1979 P. 301 ) This is Watts and Zimmerman ‘s statement, that it comes down to self-interest and other theories are at that place to supply the semblance of respectability. In decision it can be seen that the development of both fiscal accounting and direction was down to many grounds. Changes where chiefly instigated by the designation of failing, a demand to accommodate and last, alterations in the economic system and jurisprudence. But the motive to do these developments was a consequence of opportunism and economic rational. For illustration Pacioli ‘s part to accounting came from a thrust for acknowledgment. Another illustration is the alterations cloistered houses whish were a consequence of mainly economic rational. Developments in accounting increasingly reflect the altering demands of users, economic, technological, cultural, societal and political environments

Traditionl Healers in Latin America

Introduction Traditional healers also known as curanderismo are important part of Latin American culture, society and a way of life. Traditional healers have been a part of Latin American culture for thousands of years and even today are considered as important as the traditional health care professionals (Avila, 1999). The services of these healers are used extensively and they are well respected and admired members of the community. Not anyone can be a healer and in order to become one a special talent and extensive training is needed (Avila, 1999).The purpose of this paper is to discuss the role of traditional healers in Latin American culture and to discuss what economic, social and religious reasons traditional healers are still so popular in this day and age in Latin America. Who Can Be a Traditional Healer? One of the most interesting aspects of the traditional healers in Latin America is that no everyone can be one. This is a striking contrast with traditional medical profess ionals where calling has become something secondary and where more people than not go into the medical field not because of genuine desire to help but because it pays well.The story is completely different for the traditional healers as the next generation is carefully hand-picked based on what is called â€Å"el don† or a gift (Avila, 1999). This gift cannot be acquired or trained, a person either has it or not. Having gift is not enough though as a new apprentice has to train for a very long time under the practicing traditional healer in order to learn the mastery and the craft of healing (Trotter & Chavira, 1997). Another interesting distinction between what Latin American traditional healers and regular health care professionals is the core philosophy that underlines their work.Traditional medicine focuses on symptoms and causes, while for the traditional healer the most important core of any problem is spiritual one, as the illness is the essentially an imbalance that h as to be corrected (Trotter & Chavira, 1997). Healers are also very in tune with nature and as it will be discussed below they rely a lot of natural remedies and so on (Avila, 1999). Spirituality and religion go hand in hand because as it was mentioned above healing powers are considered the unique gift one has received from some higher entity and thus religion plays very important role in the work of traditional healers.What Exactly Do Traditional Healers Do? Remarkably just like any health care professionals, traditional healers in Latin America also have their own specializations and areas of practice. While some have very narrow and specific areas, such are herbalists or midwives for example; others often have been trained in various specialties and can provide the â€Å"full package care† (Trotter & Chavira, 1997). Regardless of the specialty every traditional healer always considers the illness as a complex manifestation of problems in physical, emotional and spiritual planes.Traditional healers use variety of means in their practices. They prepare various mixtures, lotions, potions, oils and other substances for consumptions or for external use. But the substances are only the part of the practice. There are many rituals, offerings and prayers that constitute healing practices. The rituals could be very elaborate and include other objects and things such as for example birds’ eggs, or water or fire. All these things are believed to be important components in the healing process and are more often than not part of the ritual.Healers often give their clients various amulets to protect or to heal them including bracelets, necklaces and other objects. Many herbal and plant matters are used including very common veggies, spices and fruits like papaya, potatoes, garlic, cumin, mint and others (Davidow, 1999). Finally traditional healers employ many psychological means as they are often keen observers and student of human nature (Trotter & Chavir a, 1997). Many healers admit that the use of rituals is done for the patients’ sake as it aids in healing process.Remarkably there is a scientific support to this notion as the â€Å"placebo effect† indicates that something with strong suggestive power can deliver desired results. Economic, Religious, and Social Explanation For the Use of Traditional Healers in Latin America There are numerous reasons why traditional healers are so widespread and commonly used in Latin America. One reason is purely economic as traditional healers are the only medical care many families could afford (Trotter & Chavira, 1997). Traditional healers in general do not take any money from their clients and definitely do not take anything from very poor clients.They could accept offerings for their service but it is done on case to case basis. So for that reason the most important economic reason why healers are used is because their services are free. Another reason why healers are so popular is religious. As it was described above in order to be a healer one has to have a gift from the high spiritual power (Trotter & Chavira, 1997). Healers often offer some sort of a mix of religious, spiritual and physical practices that resonate with the Latin American community that has this mix also present.Latin American culture is both spiritual and religious and this is exactly what healers do offer. The religious/spiritual aspect of healing process is something that is strikingly different from traditional medicine and this is why healers are so popular. They often use religious objects in practices and the healing process including icons, crucifixes and so on. Finally there is a social explanation for why traditional healers are so often used even today. Healers have been traditionally not just a part of community but very well respected and admired members of community.Latin American culture is well known for its strong cultural ties and strong community sense (Trotter & Chav ira, 1997). Hence in case of illness or any other malady the first reaction is to go to the community member, a traditional healer than to go the hospital which many could not afford anyway. Healers also offer social and spiritual support and often even counseling, thus making it even more likely for a person to seek their help. As it was discussed above, economic, religious and social reasons for using traditional healers are very strong and more often than not they operate in conjunction even further supporting each other.For example, when a person has no money, he is less likely to go to a hospital. A healer could also play into person’s religiosity and sense of community, so all this factors together make a traditional healer more popular than any local hospital. Conclusion Traditional healers have been and most likely will be in the foreseeable future a very important part of Latin American culture and way of life. Traditional healers operate within community and are imp ortant and well-respected members of the community.They are often the last resort for poor segments of population, and the complex interactions of social, religious and economic factors often make them more attractive and popular than local hospitals. Traditional healers often have specific specializations such as herbalists or midwives, but many have numerous specializations. Not anyone can be a healer as it requires a gift and extensive training. Traditional healers offer a variety of services including physical treatment, various remedies and amulets and spiritual and psychological counseling.Spirituality is important part of practice and is one component which makes healers so popular. Traditional healers’ approach differs significantly from traditional medicine approach because it is more multileveled and holistic. Healers in a sense try to address the issues on both physical and spiritual levels, while the traditional medicine often focuses on physical symptoms and defi nitely less on spiritual aspects of illness. Healers are of course often frown upon by the medical community and called â€Å"quack doctors† because they do not have formal training and education.Yet Latin American communities still use their services extensively and remarkably even immigrant communities like Mexicans in the US for example, still use traditional healers. Recent estimates demonstrated that as many as 75% of Latin Americans living in Texas used traditional healers in one way or the other to either completely or partially deal with their illnesses or ailments (Tafur, 2009). This trend is very unlikely to change any time soon, after all traditional healers have been a part of Latin American culture for thousands of years. References:Avila E (1999). Woman Who Glows in the Dark: A Curandera Reveals Traditional Aztec Secrets of Physical and Spiritual Health. New York: Penguin Putnam. Davidow J (1999). Infusions of Healing: A Treasury of Mexican-American Herbal Remed ies. New York: Simon & Schuster. Tafur, M. M. , Crowe, T. K. , & Torres, E. (2009). A review of curanderismo and healing practices among Mexicans and Mexican Americans. Occupational Therapy International, 16(1), 82-88. Trotter, R. T. , & Chavira, J. A. (1997). Curanderismo: Mexican American Folk Healing. University of Georgia Press.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Protest Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Protest - Essay Example In this age of democracy, the people’s opinion can be made to reach its destination via the help of the internet and it has been greatly helped by the parallel creation on anonymous profiles on the Internet. Back in 2000, when the Zapatista Air force bombed the Mexican barracks with paper planes with messages on them, the people found a common method of attacking and making their voice felt. It was soon realized that consistent and continuous jamming of sites can draw the attention of the concerned authorities. In the Zapatista online Tribal Port Scan people could mount their attack on any site. The common people had found a way to express their concerns now. This form of attacks are particularly effective, as, if it is launched on a government website, it can practically stall it and also forcefully attract the attention of the authorities and register the protest. It can also be interpreted as a sign of warning. The Electronic Digital Theater, an attack portal and organization, developed tools for ‘International Hacktivism’ by which any protest against the globalization and its problems can be dealt with. In Estonia, this form of cyber protest was promoted to a full scale war. In this case the Russians in Estonia jammed official websites by repeatedly transmitting data to a website, disabling vital services and incurred costs for the country. This was a protest for a decision that the government took to move a bronze statue of a Russian soldier, and this has been termed the First Web War. Such attacks on sites have been made possible for many reasons. Firstly, the people participating remain anonymous and can enable users to be far aggressive without the fear of being caught. Secondly, group norms were set in. As the protests became popular, friends joined in, and others who read the blogs and saw others doing it, got involved as well.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Great Siege of Gibraltar 1779-1783 Dissertation

The Great Siege of Gibraltar 1779-1783 - Dissertation Example The battle tactics play a crucial role in enabling one side to win and other to get defeated, therefore for any army, it is essential to ponder in detail about the battle tactics to gain victory. British side used such battle tactics that made them accomplished while the battle tactics of French side were lacking due to which, they were defeated. In this paper, we will study the battle tactics of the Great Siege of Gibraltar in great detail as to find the reasons why the Great Siege of Gibraltar was unsuccessful. Background Gibraltar is an offshore territory of United Kingdom, which is located at the south of  Spain and  on the tip of the Iberian Peninsula. The name of  Gibraltar in fact  derives out from the Arabic  Jabal-al-Tarik (mount of Tarik) since capture of peninsula by the leader of Arabic fighter troops Tarik (Falkner 68). Spain wanted to capture Gibraltar from Britain due to commerce reason between America and Europe. At the start of the dispute both side agreed upon signing an agreement with mutual understanding at Spanish royal palace. Britain foreign minister was also favouring peace full agreement between two nations but agreement was not approved by the British parliament. Both countries declared war on 23 October 1739, with each other just after the beginning of war of Jenkins' Ear (Mann 214). Both sides decided to make trenches near the Gibraltar for gaining information about enemy. One squadron of Britain army was already stationed there. Britain ordered Admiral Vernon was ordered to sail from Portobello and join the squadron. Many years passed but hostilities did not break. King Phillip 5 of Spain died in 1746 and his successor again tried to negotiate the issue with Britain. British parliament showed seriousness in resolving the trade issues. British parliament also wanted to lift British embargo on Spain. Unfortunately, the king died and next king ever wanted negotiations with Britain (Mann 215). The new king signed family compac t with the king of France in 1761. France was already at war with Britain in 1761. Because of this new development, Britain declared war with Spain and captured colonial capitals of Havana and Manila. Finally, Spain was able to get back the cities of manila and Havana in exchange of Florida that was captured by Spain. This agreement took place under a treaty in 1763, known as â€Å"treaty of Paris† (Falkner 73). Then the peaceful years started and both France and Spain decided to wait for favourable situation and launch attack on Britain for gaining the lost territories. After the outbreak of American war of independence, France and Spain supported American rebels to defeat Britain in that war. France and Spain signed a treaty in 1779 the treaty is known as treaty of Aranjuez. According to the treaty, both France and Spain will support each other for gaining their lost territories from Britain. Spain declared war on Britain in June 1779 and France also supported Spain to secu re Gibraltar. Gibraltar was vital link in British control over the Mediterranean and wanted a quick capture of it for going on an all-out war against the Great Britain. The great siege of Gibraltar was among the longest sieges that are fought in the history of the world. France and Spain wanted to take hold of Gibraltar during the American War of Independence but their attempt remained unaccomplished. It was a joint effort by France and Spain and the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Human health and the environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human health and the environment - Essay Example Reduced chemical use in crop management conserves the environment. They can also be genetically manipulated to contain extra nutrient s. The crops will require lower maintenance and farmers will benefit from crop-protection transgenic strategies (Wambugu, 1999). Increasing food security will stabilize their economies and quality of life. Most people in arid and semi arid countries depend on single food crops and endowing these plants with more nutrients through genetic engineering will reduce incidences of food malnutrition. Most opponents of genetic engineering state that it is ethically wrong and that it is harmful. Adequate Legislation can ensure ethical practices and strict adherence to regulations can be monitored effectively. I conquer that more research should be done to understand the long term effects of genetically engineered crops on the ecosystem and on human health. Vasil, I.K. (1998). Plant biotechnology: Achievements and Opportunities at the Threshold of the 21st Century. Paper Presented at the IX International Congress on Plant Tissue and Cell Culture, Jerusalem Israel. b. The dose-response curve illustrates the change in an organism caused by different levels of exposure in a given time. The route of administration and the exposure time is crucial in understanding the response relationship. The response curve help toxicologists determine safe and hazardous levels for the compounds under study. c. LD50 is the amount of substance required to kill 50% of the test population usually measured in mg/body weight. A substance with a high LD50 is safer because it requires higher concentration to cause 50% death to the test population. A substance with a low LD50 requires very little concentrations to cause 50% death in test population and hence is more lethal. I support the precautionary principle because it is our duty to prevent some threats of damage, particularly

Friday, July 26, 2019

Animal Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Animal Rights - Essay Example While, because of its many practical and historical considerations, it is difficult to take â€Å"sides† in this argument. As a matter of ethical stance the argument of Regan and Singer presents a clearer more definitive philosophical/ethical case, while Baxter’s hyper-utilitarian defense rings arrogant, unethical, and morally bankrupt. Both Baxter, and Regan and Singer rely heavily on the Utilitarian theory to support and dispute respectively the notion of ethics as applied to animal rights. As a theory of Mill and Bentham, Utilitarianism says the morality of an action is determined by its utility in providing happiness or pleasure to sentient beings. An action, as it were, is judged by its outcome. Baxter states this case word for word through criteria developed from this theory to support his view that when it comes to that which benefits the majority of people, â€Å"Damage to penguins, or sugar pines, or geo ­logical marvels is... simply irrelevant† (Baxter 523). He neglects to discuss animals as feeling creatures. Anyone familiar with animals could never dispute this. It can hardly be leave out of any conversation, pro or con, when it comes to animal rights. The basis of many of Baxter’s justifications is often expressed in dollars and cents, in the highly and often unethical human spheres of money, profit and even politics. â€Å"Penquins don’t vote† (Baxter 524), a sarcastic statement relating to the Utilitarian notion that decisions are made in the collective [by humans], and that animals, as not a part of that collective, have no say and deserve little consideration other than which man chooses to give them. Baxter stoops to the argument that while some say they want to protect animals from harm in all circumstances they still allow them to be slaughtered for food. It is an old argument. Regan and Singer can not be accused of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The World of the Text of Ezekiel Creates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The World of the Text of Ezekiel Creates - Essay Example ve to pay particular heed to all the essentialities while interpreting the Biblical text.2 The present study aims to make interpretation of the Book of Ezekiel by allocating special consideration to chapters 37 and 38. The above-stated chapters of the Book of Ezekiel tend to make prophecies about the future events to be taken place in the collective life of the House of Jacob.3 Chapter 37 begins with Ezekiel’s describing the Hand of the Lord4 taking him to some valley full of dead and dry bones everywhere. The Hand of the Lord signifies the powers of Almighty God; the same has also been mentioned in many places in the Bible, as the Lord has stated: â€Å"For My hand made all these things, Thus all these things came into being," declares the LORD. "But to this one I will look, To him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word.5 In both of the above verses, the Hand of God represents the supreme omnipotence of the Lord. It is partly because of the very fact that hands signify the labor or toil made by almost all living creatures to achieve something constructive as well as for the fulfillment of one’s needs and desires. As a result, the description of the Hand of God reflects the acts performed by God by applying His countless powers. The verses of chapter 37 of the Book of Ezekiel further narrates that the Lord enquired from Ezekiel whether the dead bones could become full of life again after death; where Ezekiel maintained that only the Lord is all-Knowing, while he did not have enough knowledge about various things including reincarnation.7 At this, Ezekiel found the Lord addressing to the dry bones of the dead people, where He maintained that He would infuse life into the sinews and bones of the dead people.8 The verse mirrors the supremacy and authority attributed to the Creator of heavens and the earth, Who once had created the entire universe9, and countless creatures as well as all humans out of the absolute chaos.10 It is

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Draw on relevant theories, the quote, and your own developing pedagogy Essay

Draw on relevant theories, the quote, and your own developing pedagogy to discuss and debate the notion of partnership with par - Essay Example Democratic practice is evident as teachers, parents and even children share power equitably and each is given the acknowledgement and respect he or she deserves. Parent participation comes in the form of â€Å"providing necessary information about the child, providing resources and attending special events to active participation in decision-making† (Styles, 2000, p. 5). If parent participation in schools in strong in Italy, the same is desired for New Zealand and for anywhere else in the world. It would be ideal if parents not only â€Å"take part† in early childhood programs but to â€Å"be a part of† such programs. In this sense, parent involvement is elevated to parent partnership with the school or children’s center. I believe partnership is a collaboration of parents and teachers/child workers as equals with regards to planning the early childhood program for children. ... Its strand of Mana Whenua or Belonging ensures that children and their families feel a sense of belonging in the children’s center (MOE, 1996). In my place of work, parents are considered important resources in our early childhood program. They are aware that they can be called upon anytime to help facilitate children’s development with the collaboration of the school. Evidently, Te Whaariki is one reflection of how the government gives importance to educational partnership with parents. There is a mandate that requires ECE services to establish and sustain collaborative partnerships with parents/ guardians and whanau. The collaboration of the parents with the teachers/ child workers benefits all children, as their learning and development are promoted and extended in both home and children’s center/ preschool (Crown, 1996). â€Å"The strategic plan for ECE Pathways to the Future: Nga Huarahi Arataki (Crown, 2002) devotes an entire goal to promoting collaborativ e relationships, including stronger linkages between ECE services and parents and whanau (Mitchell, Haggerty, Hampton, and Pairman, 2006, p. 4). Government initiatives to deliver high quality early childhood education to children obliges professionals in the field to comply with the highest standards in care and education for very young children and to forge strong partnerships with parents. However, Styles (2000) enumerates some obstacles in the formation of effective partnerships – â€Å"lack of time, busyness, lack of clarity about expectations, different priorities, staff turnover, and cultural differences† (p. 6). Personally, I would welcome more ideas and suggestions from the parents of our students because I believe

Diagnostic Advertising Profile Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Diagnostic Advertising Profile - Research Paper Example Build a Bear Workshop targets its stuffed toys, outfits, accessories, and other reasonably priced products towards young children between the ages of 6 to 14. The primary purpose of Build-a-Bear Workshop’s advertising campaign is to persuade potential customers in the age bracket of 6 to 14. Its mascot, the Bearemy, is also an adorable looking stuffed animal especially chosen to represent its target audience which consists mainly of little children (â€Å"Our Mascot, Bearemy†, n.pag.). Its persuasive and informative advertising objective focuses on promoting people to buy their products by changing their perceptions about the product’s value. One of its commercials shows a small girl talking about how you can literally â€Å"build a bear† by buying additional accessories along with the bear to fit the child’s own linking (â€Å"Build-a-Bear Workshop Commercial†, 00:20). So far it has been successful in effectively communicating its message of creating a customized teddy bear to suit the linking of every child. Though it did experience a drop in its net income in 2007 when it failed to retain its customers (Farrell, n.pag.). Build-a-bear Workshop has sought the services of various advertising agencies over the past and seeks the promotional services so as to increase its brand awareness, help build technologically advanced retail outlets, and carry out integrated marketing. It has taken the services from agencies like Cannonball (Cannonball, n.pag.), SteadyRain, and even Samsung to put together its interactive and highly technological outlets creating superb brand recognition and value among its young customers. Its Bearville website also plays a critical role in the promotion and sales of its products online (â€Å"What is Bearville†, n.pag.). It sought the promotional services of SteadyRain in order to enhance its brand awareness online (SteadyRain, n.pag.). Since Build a Bear Workshop enables customers to buy o nline, it looked for an analysis of the company’s website. The Search Engine Optimization allowed SteadyRain to evaluate the traffic and the possible sources of organic search that yielded productive visits to the website. Its high tech outlets at various areas provide an interactive environment and digital gadgets to help the children design their customized toys (Kotler & Armstrong, 35; Olson, n.pag.). There are work stations at each stage starting from â€Å"Stuff me† where the child stuffs in fluff inside their teddy bear. The process ends with â€Å"Name me† where the bear is complete and a birth certificate is issued (Kotler & Armstrong, 35-36). Samsung has provided its services to Build a Bear Workshop to create its high tech stores containing interactive work stations and other technologies to enable the company to cater to its customers’ needs (â€Å"Case Study: Build-A Bear Workshop†, 2). Build-a-Bear Workshop’s advertising mainly uses emotional appeals to reach out their target market consisting of young children. Its television commercials often show young children and their product line of assorted teddy bears to inform its young audiences of its attractive option of customizing teddy bears. Most of advertisements aim at appealing the young children using tactics that stimulate the younger children to buy the customized teddy bears. One of its advertisements includes a young girl talking about how she can add different accessories to create her own tailored teddy bear (â€Å"

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Business Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business Organization - Essay Example The choice of the organization for my consultancy after considering all the above factors is narrowed between Limited Liability Company and Limited Liability Partnership. To begin with my inclination is to start with LLP. I would discuss with all the interested classmates draft an agreement specifying at least the following points General Partners- Those classmates of mine who share my vision of providing consultancy to Non Profit organizations to help the start up their activities, raise necessary funds, staff them and set up their legal structure, marketing support etc. They would compliment me and we would divide work segments, each of us specializing in one or two areas so that there is no conflict of interest and the partnership flourishes as a result of team effort. They would also bring capital as agreed before commencing the business. They would also be jointly and severally liable for any legal suits brought against the partnership. Limited Partners- They are my friends who have full confidence in my project and are willing to back me up by providing the necessary funds for starting and running the business venture. They have already committed the funds as asked by me. None of them is interested in day to day running of the organization but still would like to have a say in the general direction, internal matters like admission or expulsion of other partner, agreeing on terms of partnership, etc, so they would be limited partners, their liability would be limited to their share in the partnership. General public would not be aware of their role in the partnership and we'll have to take care not to include their name in the name of the partnership or they will lose their limited privilege. As is obvious from the discussion above the funds needed for our organization would be financed mainly by the partners themselves in the form of their capital contribution. The general partners

Monday, July 22, 2019

Open Systems Interconnection (Osi) Model Essay Example for Free

Open Systems Interconnection (Osi) Model Essay The two most recognized network reference models are: The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model †¢ The Department of Defense (DoD) model Without the framework that network models provide, all network hardware and software would have been proprietary. Organizations would have been locked into a single vendor’s equipment, and global networks like the Internet would have been impractical, if not impossible. Network models are organized into layers, with each layer representing a specific networking function. These functions are controlled by protocols, which are rules that govern end-to-end communication between devices. Protocols on one layer will interact with protocols on the layer above and below it, forming a protocol suite or stack. The TCP/IP suite is the most prevalent protocol suite, and is the foundation of the Internet. A network model is not a physical entity – there is no OSI device. Manufacturers do not always strictly adhere to a reference model’s blueprint, and thus not every protocol fits perfectly within a single layer. Some protocols can function across multiple layers. *** All original material copyright  © 2012 by Aaron Balchunas ([emailprotected] com), unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright  © of their respective owners. This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at http://www. routeralley. com. OSI Reference Model v1. 21 – Aaron Balchunas 2 OSI Reference Model The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and formalized in 1984. It provided the first framework governing how information should be sent across a network.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Climate Change A Big Market Failure Politics Essay

Climate Change A Big Market Failure Politics Essay Lord Stern has described climate change as the biggest market failure the world has seen. What are the major economic features of climate change that make it such a significant market failure? Outline carefully the policy challenges of addressing two of these features. He, who knows what sweets and virtues are in the ground, the waters, the plants, the heavens, and how to come at these enchantments, is the rich and royal man. Only as far as the masters of the world have called in nature to their aid, can they reach the height of magnificence. Whilst thinking about which topic to choose amongst I got this Having covered environmental issues as a journalist for many years, I have become increasingly alarmed about the problem of climate change and its negative impacts, so I decided to join the Scottish Green Party as the party that I have seen taking this issue most seriously. from web site of The Scottish Green Party quoted by Louise Batchelor who has received the British Environment and Media prize twice for her reporting of environmental issues on BBC Scotland. If today climate change is being made slogan of political campaign, that means it is worth to think about it. Market failure is a theory which arises when the distribution of goods and services by a free market is not Pareto efficient. Market failures are generally linked with failure of competition, public goods, externalities, incomplete markets, information asymmetries and other macroeconomic disequilibrium. (Jozeph Stiglitz, Economics of Public Sector, 3rd ed, p. 77-85) In economic terms externality stems from actions of subject which affect others in positive or negative way. In first case person or organization may impose cost on others but does not reimburse it, whereas the latter may cause benefit to others without reaping all of the benefits of the activity. Models where the actions of individual or the firm injures others is called negative externality, however the opposite is referred to as negative externality. The most obvious patterns include climate change and water pollution. Since the end of XX century world community has been facing serious environmental problems, so economic studies of climate change are juvenile and will develop as we face new policy challenges. Emissions by previous generations which polluted our ecosystem demonstrate damage for contemporary society as well as for posterity. While occasionally used synonymously with global warming, the climate change implies a considerable change in a climatic condition which has si gnificant economic, environmental and social effects. It may be restricted to a specific locality, or may happen across the whole globe. Not surprisingly, humankind is in the central figure that causes this. Certainly the worlds environment has always changed owing to natural reasons.   But what is going down presently is that man-made aspects are now warming up the worlds climate at a more rapidly pace.   This increase of carbon emissions set in motion through the industrial revolution. In pre-industrial era that is, the time prior to the Industrial Revolution none of modern technologies automobiles, aircrafts, plant, phones, TV sets exited. The Industrial Revolution came about when people commenced to mass scale production in industries by means of machinery that worked with energy from coal, and later on using  oil, gas, and electrical power.   This made it much easier for people to produce goods and facilitated the advancement of new technology.  Since Industrial Revolution which started round 1750 and picked up the pace in the 1800s and 1900s, civilization has been using fossil fuels in an intensive way. As a consequence of this actions atmosphere has been polluted with large amount of greenhouse gases. The more society manufactures and devours, the more environment is changed we are surrounded by. Climate change is an unavoidable and important worldwide challenge with enduring effects for the sustainable growth of all states that world society has had to deal with up to present time. The relationship connecting climate change and sustainable growth are strong. Climate change influences roundabouts through some channels such as storms, heatwaves, sea level rise, hurricanes, droughts, and floods create threats for resources of water, food and agriculture. In its turn these unquestionably living standard of population of developing countries. So, developing countries are expected to get the hardest destruction by climate change. Techniques to tackle climate change necessitate worldwide societys aims to be completely consistent with for economic and civil progress. This task that go beyond national frames and calls for solutions at the global plane. According to Nicholas Stern, climate change should be regarded as externality, because people who release emission to nature do not compensate for it. As a greatest and widest-ranging market failure, it is a challenge for economists itself. Influence of climate change very expansive and interrelate with other types of market failures, from which additional complicated policy problems stem. Lord Stern states that if world society does not take action, the on the whole, overheads and risks of climate change will be correspondent to losing at least 5% of world GDP continuously. If a broader series of shocks is taken into consideration, the approximation of harm could rise to more than 20% of total output. Lets see it in examples of sectoral perspectives. (The Economics of Climate Change. The Stern Review. Nicholas Stern. Cabinet Office HM Treasury, 2006, UK. Retrieved 2010-01-31.) Agriculture is sphere of influence of humankind extremely responsive to climate changes. Forces changing our climate are as well important to farm production. Anthropological actions have already changed atmospheric features such as ozone, rainfall, carbon dioxide level. Although production of food may take advantage of warmer climate, the increased probability of natural disasters like heatwaves, floods and droughts will generate problems for agricultural producers. Actually Paul Krugmans statement in his article on NY Times shows the trouble with its seriousness: But the evidence tells a different, much more ominous story. While several factors have contributed to soaring food prices, what really stands out is the extent to which severe weather events have disrupted agricultural production. And these severe weather events are exactly the kind of thing wed expect to see as rising concentrations of greenhouse gases change our climate which means that the current food price surge may be just the beginning. ( ) Source: Escalating food prices, UNICEF February 2011 report. Analyses of the effects of global climate change imply that climate change may lead to significant decline in agricultural output in developing nation states. Nowadays international community is getting more concerned about matters vital to developing countries, such as potential changes in total food availability and world food prices. Among other causes 2007-2008 and recent 2011 food crisis are attributed to climate change. First one, was due to the catastrophe of the most terrible drought in a century in Australia, that is why the 2006 crop summed only 9.8m tonnes. After America, Australia is on average the second leading exporter of grain, and in normal times crop would be about 25 million tonnes. Because of that drought world stock of wheat has reached it lowest possible level since 1979. The droughts impact on rice has made the greatest shock on the rest of the world, to date. It is one factor causative to bubbling prices which is supposed it is among the initial signs that a w arming planet is starting to have an effect on production of food. ( According to Reuters food prices have increased by 11.7% in 11 months of 2010 while the general price level (inflation) has upsurged only by  1.9%. This fact indicates a severe difference and obliges  preventative  measures to impede food crisis founding starving nations. The caution for food crisis in   Sri Lanka was issued due to the bad weather condition occurred during the first few weeks of 2011 which caused massive floods in eastern,  northern  and north central regions of Sri Lanka where the extensive crop growing were taking place. More than 50% season harvest was destroyed  resulting  in  21% of the rice cultivation of Sri Lanka being destroyed. And the irrigation system of the country is damaged making it unworkable to do forthcoming season cultivation which will promote reduction of the rice cultivation in the future. Apart from that vegetable prices have gone up by more than 200% as a result of floods and the live stock of 240,000 were destroyed which wi ll again result in high price of meat, milk and eggs. And  Meteorological Department of Sri Lanka predicts for a drought period towards the mid 2011 which will once more upshot in damage of crops and make people starve again. ( Africa responds especially badly to climate change given that it is principally agrarian, suffers an undesirable price shock to its exports, has a low capacity to regulate agricultural portfolios, and has a low elasticity of substitution between domestic and imported cereals. The orientation in the direction of cereal self-reliance averts the economy from taking benefit of lower world cereal prices by changing expenditure towards imported cereals. The remarkable raise in cereal imports in Asia and Latin America leads to a high demand for foreign currency. Balance of trade stability is realized by currency devaluation, by 3.5% in Asia and 1% in Latin America. Real exchange appreciation lessens openness of African economy. There is a 5% appreciation of the currency in response to a complex of changes, but primarily due to a large decline in demand for imports. The cereal sector yield shock of -17% cannot be compensated by an increase in cereal imports. In response, the domestic price o f cereals rises which induces resource reallocation towards cereal production. Import demand for cereals and industrial goods declines, since real incomes of all households decrease, leading to a lower demand for foreign exchange. The supply of foreign currency falls as export crop production decreases both because productivity falls and in order to allow a shift towards cereal production. The depreciating effect from lower supply of foreign currency is overwhelmed by the significant decrease in industrial imports, which are much larger in value terms than export crops, causing a net appreciation. (Economic and Welfare Impacts of Climate Change on Developing Countries by Paul Winters et al.) Some restricted views claim that climate change will not greatly affect other sectors than agriculture. But according to well constructed climate-economy models, which go beyond above, environmental changes have great influence on other spheres of economy as well. More broadly still, climatic effects may extend to health, crime, conflict, and migration, all of which could have first-order implications for measuring the policy response. ( Dell et al. 2008, find that warming has historically had negative impacts on economic growth but only in poor countries. The effects in poor countries are remarkably large with a 1 degree Celsius rise in temperature reducing economic growth by about 1.1 percentage points. Looking underneath national growth, the study also finds large effects on both agriculture and industrial value added, in addition to effects on aggregate investment, political stability, and innovation. Furthermore, study of historical data relating national weather variation to export performance. The findings confirm large negative impacts of temperature on poor countries. On average, we find that a poor country being 1 degree Celsius warmer in a given year reduces the growth of that countrys exports by between 2.0 and 5.7 percentage points in that year. As in Dell et al. (2008), we find no effect on rich countries exports. The fact that exports are even more sensitive to temperature than overall GDP is consistent with the idea that domestic consumption is relatively steady, so that volatility in domestic production translates into greater volatility in net exports. (Dell, Melissa, Benjamin F Jones, and Benjamin A Olken (2008), Climate Shocks and Economic Growth: Evidence from the Last Half Century, NBER Working Paper 14132.)

The marketing communications campaign of marks and spencer

The marketing communications campaign of marks and spencer The marketing communications campaign of Marks and Spencer Introduction The current revolution in information technology and rapid globalisation have made the marketers face many marketing communications options (Newman Patel ,2003).Integrated marketing communications campaign is one of options, Which can be used to create added value for potential consumers and influence directly purchasing patter. The IMC, which is defined, according to Duncan (2002), as ‘A cross -functional process for creating and nourishing profitable relationship with customers and other stakeholders by strategically controlling or influencing all the messages sent to these groups and encouraging data driven, purposeful dialogue with them† The IMC is important issue because the companies can not afford either the financial or reputation damage which is caused by the poor planning or implementing of the IMC (Brassington pettitt,2006).On the other hand, the planning and implementing the IMC campaign is a complicated process and involves a wide range of management tasks (Caemmerer, 2009). As a result, this paper aims to show the steps which should be followed in the planning and implementing the IMC and to apply these steps on Marks and Spencer as a case study from real life. Finally, some recommendations will be given to improve the performance of MS. Literature review Identifying the target audiences The planning the IMC, according to Kotler Keller .should start with clear determining of target audience ,who is a group of people is aimed by marketing communications campaign , because it is vital step. Then, answers should be provided on the following questions: What are the choice criteria, which are used to evaluate the products? What are motivated them to buy the products? What make them response to the competitors, products? (Jobbe, 2007). Ø Situation analysis Competitor analysis : To analysis the competitors, according to Aaker and McLoughlin (2007), a group of questions should be answered: Against whom do we usually compete? What are their objectives and strategies in terms of brand? What is their image and positioning strategy in terms of brand? What have been the marketing communications of the competitors in the past? What impact have they had? What are their future plans? Market analysis: Ø Defining the marketing communication objectives Mean what the marketing communications are supposed to achieve, according to Blythe (2000), there are many objectives: Image building campaigns: Those are intended to communicate a specific status for the product, as well as to emphasis ways that it could complete the lifestyle of the client. Unique selling proposition (USP): that is the one attribute of the product which it differentiates the product from the competition. Positioning: the strategies which focus on the ways that consumers distinguish the products comparing with their perceptions of the competitors products. Direct response: instant response is wanted from the consumer in respect of purchase, a request for broacher, or a going to the store. Ø Managing the elements of the mix Deciding what is the media which will be used to convey the message of the IMC campaign. There are five elements of promotional mix Advertising: any paid form of non-personal communication of ideas or products in the prime media .It takes place in many forms such as, television, press, posters, cinema and radio (Pickton Broderick, 2005). Public relations: are â€Å"the deliberate, planned and sustained effort to creating and maintaining mutual understanding between an organization and its publics † Direct marketing: is the message, which can be prepared to appeal to the addressed customer. It takes place in my forms such as direct mail, telemarketing, internet marketing (Kotler Keller, 2006). Sales promotion: the activities which aim to temporary increase in sales. They take place by many forms such as buy one get one free, free sample and money off coupons. Personal selling: this is designed to meet the consumers needs by communicating face to face between the buyer and seller (McGolrick, 2002). Ø Setting the promotional budget Putting the promotional budgeting is one of the most important and difficult steps in Planning the IMC campaign because, according to West, Ford Ibrahim (2006) ,If the companies have spent too much on the promotion program this could reflect negatively on the profits whereas, if they have paid out too little marketing opportunities would be get lost. There are, according to Jobber and Fahy (2006), four methods, which are usually used to set the promotional budget: percentage of sales, matching competitors expenditures, objective and task and what can be afforded? Ø Evaluating the IMC campaign It is important step, according to Palmer (2004), because it can provide feedback to inform the future activities and make the managers more adjustment when they plan the promotional activities if the objectives are not being achieved. Apply on the MS Marks and Spencer has been the Britain most-respected and leading retailer for long time. Besides, it is one of the most recognizable brands in the UK and operates about 6stores in the UK Identify target audiences: MS has focused on fashionable males and females from different ages who have enough money to spend on the trendy dress and want to enhance their social image between their peer. Ø Analysis the situation Analysis the competitors: The main competitors of MS, GAP, HM, and Top shop, which are distinguished by fashionable clothes and they has focused on the trendy of fashion .As a result, they are called fashion retailers not clothes retailers In terms of Gap, which operates 4,171stores worldwide and the target market is 15-35 age groups. Gap promotes nationally towards young fashion consumers. Promotional campaigns do differ, however. Gap has entered above the line into a programme of intensive primetime television advertising. (Newman Patel, 2003) Concerning HM Analysis the market: Fashion market, which is considered as one of the most profitable, dynamic and competitive area in the UK (Newman Patel, 2003) .The fashion market is considered dynamic because consumer behavior in this market is distinguished by a sudden desire to buy and fluctuating customer tastes. Therefore, new opportunities are available in front of the companies and advertising agencies in this market to create added value for their potential consumers and influence directly their purchasing pattern by integrated marketing communication (Newman Patel, 2003). The fashion market is competitive market because, according to Moore (1995), growing the market shares of foreign fashion retailers in the UK, such as Gap and Benetton and reforming some fashion retailers like, Next. Ø Defining the marketing communication objectives MS has had two objectives in its marketing communications campaign. It has tried to show that its products have been characterized and differentiated from the competitors products by its high quality, stylish, great value (USP) and to enhance the perceptions of consumers in terms of quality and fashion( MSs annual report, 2008). Ø Managing the marketing communications mix At the end every season from each year, MS carries out marketing communications campaign. On 8 November 2007, MS launched marketing communications campaign and used the advertising (TV, cinema and the internet) as essential promotional tool in addition public relation (the website) and sales promotion (bonus). The ad, which is called Christmas Belles, was created by the advertising agency, Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe Y R, and was executed by a group of models. The models are Erin OConnor, Elizabeth Jagger, Twiggy, Myleene Klass and Laura Bailey who are well known names representing different age groups and each gorgeous model is wearing different clothes from MS range including lingerie and accessories . In addition to Hollywood actor Antonio Banderas who was chosen to attract the attention of menswear next to womenswear (Visit4inf, 2007). The song of the ad is called it is the most wonderful, which is singed by the artist Andy Williams The message, which has been conveyed by the campaign of MS, is â€Å"Quality worth every penny†. Besides; MS has tried to tell its target audiences that it has built its reputation in respect of quality since 1940 by establishing strict criteria which it continues to follow today. In other words, it has enhanced historical attributes of quality. The ad was screened on the TV, which could provide higher levels of awareness and reach to a large number of target audiences. Besides, it also was launched in the cinema because the commercial shown in the cinema made a stronger impression on the consumer .It was possible because it allowed for a longer advertisement that was also within cinematic technology in an artistically advanced package. At the same time the ad was launched on the internet to support the TV and cinema launch. Moreover, the viewers were sending the advertisement to each other by Email .Consequently, the commercial internet was effective in two ways spreading the message between the consumers and cost. Hence, a lot of viewers had seen the ad on YouTube during a few weeks. The new Website was Launched and it was connected to the campaign message .It was used as a complementary tool of TV and cinema .It was flexible and a reasonably cheap technique of getting an extensive target audiences and the company can get feedback from consumer by it (MSs annual report, Caemmerer; 2008, 2009). The last promotional tool, which was used by MSs campaign, is bonus which is considered as a type of sales promotion and it was used to encourage the target ardencies of MS to spend more. Ø Setting the promotional budget At the end of 2007 the marketing expenditure was  £145m more than half of expenses spent on the advertising (Birtwistle, 2007). Ø Evaluating the IMC campaign There are many evidences of success the marketing communications campaign of MS .First of all, The market share of MS in terms of clothes increased from 9,8% 2007 to 11, 2% in 2008 approximately 1,4%9 =  £4,095m (see figure 2).